In this section, you will find everything you need at a low cost. Whether it's for organizing and planning, creating games for your children, or finding out which hikes are suitable for families across Quebec, it's all here! Keep an eye out, as new products will always be added.
12$ Prix Lancement - Régulier17$
500 Hikes in Quebec to Enjoy with the Family
500 Hikes to Savor with the Family, Categorized by Regions of Quebec. Create Unforgettable Memories in the Heart of Nature, Without the Hassle of Research.
Avec ce guide d'une quarantaine de pages, tu seras accompagné de A à Z pour organiser ton premier voyage : aéroport, documentation, liste de voyages, tout y est ! Tu deviendras un pro du voyage !
le guide à été co-écrit en collaboration avec Marie-Ève et Famille
⛰ This is the perfect hiking partner for you and your children.
It’s a guide where you’ll find:
The rules of the little hiker
2 pages to note your hikes
Pages to document each excursion
Pages for your notes, photos and observations
2 pages to get to know you better
In the annex, there is a list of hikes to make. It contains more than 150 hikes that you can choose from and there are some to do in all regions of Quebec.