
Blog | Tips, Tricks, and Family Adventures with Faventure 

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Results for : "What to do in spring"

October 20 2022

Weekend Ideas October 22-23rd

Hey hey adventurers, I wanted to do a little different and make you a list of trails to discover by region of Quebec. 🥾 
October 7 2022

Musée pour enfant: La Boîte aux Métiers

A review of our experience at the children’s museum: La Boîte aux Métiers. A day of symbolic family games and good times spent together!
September 19 2022

Fun time in Rimouski - L'île des Moussaillons

L'île des Moussaillons is an original amusement center under the theme of the sea. Rediscover your heart and embark on a unique adventure. In a safe environment, young sailors will spend energy.